Actor Ram Kapoor has been a leading name in television and film industry. The actor has lately been in news for his look transformation as he shedded 42 kgs. Ram Kapoor is son of late Anil Kapoor, who was a renowned ad guru and a successful businessman. However, things took a turn when Ram Kapoor’s pursued an acting course in the USA and to cover his rent, he worked at cafés and sold second-hand vehicles after his father stopped supporting him financially.
Ram Kapoor on not taking up father’s business to pursue acting
The actor shared with Siddharth Kannan that his father wanted him to continue the family legacy, but he chose a different path. He shared, “I was a rich man’s only son, and I grew up with a lot of privileges. But after school, I told him I didn’t want to run his company and that I wanted to make it on my own. So, I walked away from all those privileges to create my own path, which took me almost 10 years before I started getting regular work”.
The actor continued, “When I was 13-14, I told him I wanted to become an actor. He didn’t take me seriously, particularly since I was just a little kid, and he was a very big man. For him, his company was his legacy and everything, and he wanted his only son to take it forward. So, when I said I didn’t want to take over his company, I understood what he must have gone through.”
Ram Kapoor recalls his father not supporting financially
Talking about his struggles in USA, Ram recalled, “I fled to America and joined the acting school of my choice. I graduated somehow, returned to India, and started meeting people (for work). I had to prove not only to my father but to my entire family that I was going to do this. IHe continued, “I knew everyone was waiting for me to fail because they thought that would bring me back to the ‘right track.’ I was in America on my own, making money for food and rent. I worked at Starbucks, sold second-hand vehicles, etc. But had that not happened, I wouldn’t have been the man I am today.”
Ram also recalled that his father finally acknowledged his success. He shared, “It took 10 years… Then the time came when people in his own office started approaching him asking their boss for photographs with his son. That’s when dad realised I had become something and that I wouldn’t return (to run the company). For 10 years, we didn’t speak much and then he slowly developed a respect for me. After he passed away, four years ago, I got to know from his partners, friends etc how much he respected me.”
On the professional front, Ram Kapoor is known for his work in daily soaps like Kasamh Se and Bade Achhe Lagte Hain. He has also appeared in movies such as Student of the Year, Humshakals, Yudhra, and Thappad.